游戏简介:FINNCITI 于2007年5月28日开始运行,注册地在 British Virgin Islands, B.V.I,是一款即时策略及建设模拟城市的网络游戏。多年来,FINNCITI一直坚持以掌握自主品牌及开发自创产品为主轴,引领全球玩家以网络虚拟城市建设为背景,开发打造属于自己的城市蓝图。此款游戏内容丰富生动,玩家既可以建造房屋获取相应的游戏金币收入;又可以积累金币参与学习模拟股票游戏;还可以了解并竞拍各类国际品牌商品,提高生活品质。在此款游戏中,玩家可以运用该游戏必备装备-机器人,借鉴平台研发的三出三进方程式来买卖交易此游戏道具,从而学习掌握关于市场、供求、流通、周期、倍增、利复利、构建资产、资金分配等财商课程。玩家在公平严密的游戏模式和规则的约束下,体验模拟城市建设、构建个人虚拟资产所带来的乐趣。
版权所有:未经 FINNCITI 游戏公司许可,任何个人或商业网站禁止复制、截取本站内容,如果涉嫌侵权,我们将按照法律相关规定进行处理;合理使用者,请注明来源于 www.finnciti.com
FINNCITI started operating on May 28, 2007, which was registered in the British Virgin Islands. (BVI). FINNCITI is a real-time strategy (RTS) and simulation city-building online game. Over the years, FINNCITI has been focusing on the grasp of our own brands and development of self-created products, leading global players with virtual city construction background to develop a blueprint of their own city. The content of this game is rich and vivid, players not only gain appropriate game coin income by building houses; accumulate game coins to join the simulation stocks trading, but also be able to learn and bid all kinds of international brand goods to improve quality of life. In this game, players may use the necessary game equipment - robots, trade these game props by "Three-out and Three-in" equation which was developed by the platform in order to learn and grasp the financial quotient courses about market, supply and demand, circulation, multiplication, compound interest, assets building, funds allocation and others. Players can experience the fun of simulation city building and personal virtual assets building under tight and fair constraints of game modes and rules.
Solemn declaration from FINNCITI: every player can only register and participate in the game under the premise that he/she has been informed, he/she is voluntary and he/she has understood the rules of the game, and he/she has the ability to self-manage and protect the game account. Please understand that FINNCITI is not an investment or financing company, but a game platform to learn the knowledge of financial management. FINNCITI has never committed to any type of revenue or specific return to players, please do not join the game with investment or speculative mentality. The risk of the game should be assessed and born by yourself. Players who are involved in should comply with laws and regulations of each country, and should be responsible for independent legal liability. All final interpretation belongs to FINNCITI.
Copy and excerpt of any content on this site by any personal or business website is prohibited without the permission of FINNCITI, any alleged infringement will be treated by us in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law; please indicate that the contents are original from www.finnciti.com for reasonable use.
FinnCiti 公司/黄总是否与其它相关公司有合作关系?
FinnCiti 只此一间,别无分号!现在没有,以后也绝不会有。 其他所有用黄总的名义、照片、文字等作为网页或内容的公司都与本公司无关。黄总只开一间公司,名为 FinnCiti 绝无其它公司。黄总也不会和其他公司合作,担任董事,合伙人或为其设计公司。请各位玩家冷静分析,认真思考,以免上当受骗。理财的第一课,学会管理好自己口袋里的钱。
请定期检查ID 游戏户口的维护费,养成万事提前计划准备的习惯。成功是为有准备的人准备的。
Does FinnCiti Pte Ltd or CEO Simonn Ng have any partnership with other companies that provides educational programs similar to FinnCiti?
As stated before, FinnCiti had never involved in any third-party companies providing educational programs similiar to FinnCiti and never will be in the future. Any forged documents/information shown in any form has no relation with FinnCiti as there is only one FinnCiti entity.
黄总在公司培训时说,现在是最关键的时刻,我们要的是稳中求胜,不要走得太快,大家只要真正悟懂FinnCiti,我向大家承诺,我一定让公司走百年,会做的很大,在中国会是个传奇,在世界让人震惊。FinnCiti是用人格的魅力吸引人,是用FinnCiti的平台和系统的魅力吸引人,假如你严格按三出三进方程式就一定能赚钱,并且可以赚大钱,FinnCiti市场不是做出来的,而是“悟”出来的。心态不好的不要进来,不学习没悟到的人不要进来, 把FinnCiti当自己赚快钱目的的平台的人不要进来 。